Sunday, January 23, 2011


I learned a new trick.  This idea originally comes from Hungry Girl.  I learned it on 3FC.  You take cake mix and instead of mixing it with the normal items that the directions call for you mix the box of cake mix with 1 can of diet soda.  You can then bake cupcakes so that you have easy portion division.  I tried this for the first time tonight.  I used Duncan Hines Red Velvet cake mix and diet Code Red Mountain Dew.  This made enough mix for 16 regular size cupcakes of 135 calories each (I used 54g of batter for each).  I suggest using cupcake papers for these because they are so moist they just fall apart.  This would probably not be a good recipe if you were trying to make a cake to decorate or something since it does fall apart.  However, when judging by taste alone this is the BEST red velvet cake I have EVER had!  I didn't use any icing.  It doesn't need it.  It is amazing!  My husband thinks it needs some berries in it.  I'm thinking they'd be better as a side item than IN it.  They aren't really needed, it is awesome as is, but berries are never a bad thing anyhow.