I intend this blog to mostly be a place for me to journal, but if someone else reads it and gets something out of doing so then, hey, bonus. For now most of my posts will probably be about the weight loss journey that I began in February '09. I have PCOS (Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). Along with its many other lovely symptoms this makes it very easy for me to get fat and very difficult for me to get unfat. In July '09 I was diagnosed as diabetic, so that makes it even more important for me to lose weight. It is a long road that is in front of me, but I'm getting there and feeling much better already.
My current goal weight is 115. On Feb. 17 I was 245 and right now I am 205.8. I am less than a pound from my next mini-goal of 40 pounds lost.
So far along with losing nearly 40 pounds I have gotten rid of some addictions and replaced them with some healthier addictions. I am no longer controlled by soda, brownies, bagels, and pasta. I now live for zucchini, crystal light, spin class, and good body bugg numbers.