Friday, August 26, 2011

Fitness and Weigh In

The scale has been moving pretty slowly for me lately.  I don't really mind though because I am in this for the long haul and I have improvement and victories that have nothing to do with Mr. Scale.  I am doing things that I never would have imagined I could before I started this journey.  Right now I am going to the gym M/W/F and doing 1 hour of weight lifting (power hour - body pump style class) and 1 hour of zumba.  I am also doing P90X.  I have surprised myself quite a few time lately with the things I am able to do.  First I did double burpees (burpees with 2 push-ups instead of 1), then I surprised myself by adding the jump between burpees, then I discovered that I could do 15 push-ups in a row, then I did the entire Ab workout from P90X (AbRipperX is a non-stop ab workout that totals to about 350 reps total of 11 different ab exercises in about 15 minutes.), then I did quadruple burpees, then I did quintuple burpees.  I couldn't possibly impress myself more than that, right?  Wrong!  Yesterday I did one-arm push-ups!  I did them on my knees, but I busted out 6 of those, alternating arms, 3 on each arm.  Yes, I would like to be able to do them on my toes, but I used to have to do my normal push-ups on my knees too (heck, I used to not be able to do normal push-ups on my knees), and I WILL get to the point that I can do the one-arm push-ups on my toes too.  Can anybody say badass?  I hope so, because that's what I am!

Today's weight: 165.8

Friday, August 05, 2011


Today I was in a bad mood because the scale is up 2 pounds from yesterday.  I was feeling like throwing in the towel and having doughnuts and pizza and/or fried pies.  I didn't though.  I ate my normal breakfast.  I got my butt into the car and to the gym.  I came home and had a healthy lunch.  I did my P90X plyometrics.  As I was finishing up I got a call.  I have officially been taken off of my diabetes medication.  I no longer need it.  I have it covered with diet and exercise.  So, take that scale!  I will give a weigh in anyhow though.  Today's weight, 2 pounds and all, is 169.8.